Brazil’s telecom regulator has opened a public consultation into plans to sell off spectrum in bands at 1900 MHz and above for use for fixed wireless broadband services.

Anatel last week said it had approved plans for a public notice of the auction and that interested parties would have 15 days to register comments. There will also be a public hearing in the capital Brasilia, it said.

Based on the consultation it will draw up a final notice of the auction, with spectrum prices to be published later.

Auction participants will be able to bid for spectrum in the 1900 MHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz bands.

Companie s will be able to bid for spectrum at municipal level, the smaller lots making it possible for small and medium sized providers to take part, Anatel said.

The regulator also approved a proposal for the sale of spectrum in the 1800 MHz band. The airwaves will be auctioned for mobile use.
