Timico, the business internet, hosting and communications service provider, is launching a new volume SMS service in response to the growing demand from businesses to incorporate text messaging into their offerings.

Timico has seen a dramatic increase in the number of businesses interested in texting information to customers over the last year. This ranges from sending appointment reminders and booking confirmations to exclusive offers and discounts.

Many are also interested in deploying the service as a way to boost the level of interaction they have with clients, especially given that a recent poll found that the average response rate to a text message is four times greater than email and eight times greater than direct mail, and that 92% of adults in the UK own a mobile phone.

Timico has worked closely with ProcessFlows to launch its new offerings, which will include virtual mobile numbers, short codes and various SMS solutions to allow its clients to send bulk text messages from as little as 2.6p per message.

The system is managed in-house, so clients will be able to manage issuing their text messaging themselves, supported by Timico’s carrier-grade network and the messaging expertise of ProcessFlows. The solutions can also be integrated into a range of CRM systems, such as Salesforce, allowing SMS messaging to fit seamlessly into any business.

Andrew North, Director of Mobile Services at Timico, said: “Many more businesses are looking towards SMS messaging as a way to enhance their communications strategies, but you need to have the right systems in place to do this effectively. For example many ‘unlimited’ bundles aren’t actually unlimited and will have restrictions. The last thing you want is bill shock when you think everything has already been covered.

“Timico’s new offerings put everything in place to allow for the seamless integration of text messaging into your business. The intuitive system is easy to use but also supported by the network capabilities of Timico and the on the ground expertise of ProcessFlows. It’s a great combination for any business thinking about venturing into this high-touch method of communications.”

Jeanette Fennell, Product Manager at Process Flows said: “As more businesses are recognising the benefits of SMS messaging on a daily basis, not just for customers but also internally, we are pleased to on-board Timico where SMS messaging clearly complements the enterprise grade product catalogue.”

The SMS solutions can be backed up on either a cloud-based or physical server, dependant on the needs of the client. Texts can be bought in bulk before billing, reducing the overall cost of messaging.

For more information about Timico, please visit: http://www.timico.co.uk
