
Telcos must redefine the way that they perceive themselves in order to cash in on the digital revolution, according to Telenor’s chief digital officer

Achieving a long lasting and sustainable digital transformation is as much about changing the mentality and culture of an organisation as it is about providing new products and services, according to Telenor’s chief digital officer.

Speaking exclusively to Total Telecom at this year’s Total Telecom Congress, Telenor’s chief digital officer, Durdana Achakzai, said that telcos needed to evolve the way they think about themselves and their customers.  

"Digital transformation is twofold. The first part of it is the process of digitising your traditional business, sometimes described as digitising the core. How can we use new technologies to make ourselves better at our core business – namely our voice and data services," she said.  

"The second, and more interesting part, is where we are looking for new business models and new revenue streams to really reinvent what a telco could mean."

Telenor has a sizable presence in Scandinavia and across Asia, where it is deploying a number of innovative strategies to offer its customers a range of innovative, digital services.

"A digital transformation journey has many different aspects. The things that immediately come to mind are platforms, apps, processes, systems, etc. But actually, the biggest component of the digital transformation journey is the reinvention of the hearts and the minds [of the organisation] – of the culture and the way a company works."

"In reinventing an organisation to serve the needs of new customers, or of existing customers in new ways, a massive part of the process is embracing a new way of doing things with new people and really reinventing the culture," she said.

You can watch the full interview with Durdana Achakzai at the Total Telecom Congress below…
