Press Release

CALLUP, a provider of IoT and M2M modular enablement platforms, such as eSIM remote management, as well as Value Added Services (VAS) solutions for the telecom industry, today announced that a major mobile operator in the Caribbean region has installed and operated CALLUP Voice Mail System (VMS™), a complete messaging and voice solution. The system is deployed in a virtual cloud and includes multilingual services.

"This project with its complexity, supporting multiple markets with multiple languages, is another successful implementation of CALLUP VMS™, and another milestone in the expansion of our operations worldwide,” said Alon Roth, CALLUP’s CEO. “The operator’s decision to choose CALLUP VMS™ is testament to the high reliability and quality of our systems, which meet the most stringent international standards."

CALLUP VMS™ is an advanced voice messaging solution that includes standard IVR access to the mailbox, in addition to HTML5 and mobile phone apps. CALLUP VMS™ employs industry standards, such as HTML5, SNMP and JAVA, in order to provide easy-to-use, intuitive administration applications. The system is fully virtualized, supporting any virtualization platform (for example, VMWare vSphere or public clouds), high availability and hot backup solutions.

CALLUP VMS™ provides an HTML5 web-based SCE – Service Creation Environment – for editing of the IVR flows. The customer can control the call flow with a simple and intuitive interface, and without the need for change requests from the vendor. CALLUP VMS™ is a fully redundant, fault tolerant system. It includes all major voice mail functions and is compatible with all major switches, demonstrating full interoperability. Additionally, it facilitates seamless migration from one switch vendor to another.

CALLUP VMS’s message control unit interfaces with voice and signaling network. The network monitoring system is accessible from anywhere on the network. CALLUP VMS’s web server duplicates messages from the storage device unit, and provides access to messages and administrator functions via web interface. The system’s open architecture enables unlimited integration to third party solutions.

Voice mail messages can be sent to the subscriber’s email account and may be heard via standard applications. The CALLUP VMS™ box owner may access his box from a landline telephone by entering his password during the playing of the box greetings. Having multiple mailboxes in the same account is optional.
