
The world we are living is becoming increasingly connected, driven by the latest advances within the global telecommunications sphere. This connectivity is opening up new and ground-breaking opportunities for mobile networking and 5G.

Recent improvements in bandwidth and transmission rates have increased both the volume of information that it is practical to share and the speed with which it can be shared.

The FreeMove Alliance expects four main trends to become crucial for telecommunications operators around the world in 2022. Companies will naturally be demanding innovative solutions and technologies in order to leverage opportunities that will expand their market reach and profitability. Moreover, in a post-pandemic world, companies will need to virtualise their workplaces, providing the workforce with secure, yet user-friendly, devices that can be effectively used anywhere around the world. 

1. Worldwide opportunities

Technological development within the telecommunications field is no longer centred in the west. There has been a strong global demand for carrier Wi-Fi, demonstrating the proliferation of wireless connectivity in developing countries, as well as in existing markets.

One area that is expected to become the strongest driver of growth in the coming year is the Asia Pacific region. This will be due to the predicted scale of requests for proposals (RFPs) from mobile operators in that area. Already having an established presence in this region will provide opportunities to those able to take advantage of these shifting market forces.

FreeMove Alliance has been partnering with Bridge Alliance, a prominent telecommunications alliance in the Asia Pacific region, for more than 10 years and successfully helped numerous multinationals in Europe and Asia streamline their operations.

2. Unified connectivity

It is given that working in unison with others improves efficiency; humans are social animals, and we thrive in connectivity. The rapid advances in the past century have been driven by us collaborating like never before.

This is just as true for the telecommunications sector, as synergistic relationships between mobile and broadband providers will become increasingly important. Multinational corporations are evolving into new types of organisations; they are abandoning their centralised hubs to become ever-more geographically diverse. In order to meet the needs of these corporate entities, advanced telecommunications infrastructure and platforms will be required to maintain connectivity between an increasingly distributed workforce to enable seamless working, wherever they are in the world.

In order for a geographically diverse workforce to successfully collaborate with each other, as well as with internal and external partners, they will require sufficiently reliable communication platforms. One such solution will be combining mobile connectivity with broadband bandwidths into a unified network, which could become a powerful tool for project collaboration. 

3. Digital communication tools

The move to remote working has seen a fundamental shift in how the public interacts with companies. Clients and customers are now likely to use email or web-chat as their first point of contact, rather than the telephone.

Online communication tools have become the drivers of client relations, due to the professional service that they offer. However, this is only possible with stable network capabilities that provide a consistently reliable service.

4. Virtual collaboration and the metaverse

Although it seems like we are past the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic, remote working and virtual connectivity are likely remaining popular in the coming months, and potentially years. Many clients and employees are still not comfortable with in-person meetings. Some have already downsized their office space or decided not to have centralised headquarters. It is therefore anticipated that virtual conferencing and online collaboration tools will remain focal points for project collaboration in multinational corporations.

This shift in working practices is expected to continue in the future. This will, in turn, lead to demands for bandwidth to carry the high levels of information interchange. Therefore, there will be an increased need for robust telecommunication infrastructure and online platforms to manage this information interchange.

It has been argued that Covid-19 accelerated technological development within our society, as the tech sector developed to advance remote working methodologies. Evolving from this is the anticipated Metaverse. Much of the Metaverse is still unknown, but it is expected to be an online environment combined with virtual telepresence technology. Nonetheless, it is expected that it will become a driving force in our lives within the next few years. As such, organisations that are building metaverse-based technologies into their systems will be able to establish themselves within this emerging virtual theatre. 

The future is now

Covid has accelerated technological developments around the world and multinational corporations will require robust networks upon which online collaboration tools can be platformed in order to meet these new demands. The growing digital infrastructure will likewise place further load upon telecommunication networks.

In order to provide an ever more seamless experience, broadband and mobile operators will need to work in synergy with each other. New collaborative and networking tools should be anticipated, which will allow an enhanced interaction between professionals and co-workers.

The FreeMove Alliance was created specifically to assist multi-national corporations with their unique mobility challenges. Since 2003, FreeMove Alliance members and partners provide clients a mobile connectivity hub that spans over a hundred countries, enabling multinational corporations to rely on the best mobile networks wherever they do business. Get in touch to explore how to leverage the power of global mobility.


