
Virgin Media O2 (VMO2) has this week signed the Greener Litigation Associate Member Pledge, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of its litigation processes

The pledge commits members to supporting more environmentally friendly litigation work, in turn helping them achieve their Net Zero carbon emissions goals.  

The initiative, launched in June 2021, is led by a collection of legal professionals who are actively committed to reducing the environmental impact of litigation in English and Welsh courts. 

According to its website, the primary goal of the initiative is to “to change the way in which dispute resolution practitioners conduct litigation, so as to reduce the carbon footprint of court disputes in line with the objective of restricting global warming to 1.5°C as set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement”. 

“By signing the Greener Litigation Pledge, we’re building on our commitment to achieve Net Zero carbon emissions across our operations, products, and supply chain by the end of 2040,” said Enrique Medina Malo, General Counsel at VMO2 in a press release. 

Last year, the company reduced its carbon emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 29% against its 2020 baseline, thereby preventing more than 29 million tonnes of carbon entering Earth’s atmosphereVMO2 were one of the first companies in the UK to be recognised by the Carbon Trust for their commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The firms aims to cut Net Zero carbon across operations, products, and supply chain and reduce Scopes 1,2 and 3 emissions by 90% by 2040. This is outlined in their “better connections” plan, a new en vironment, social and governance (ESG) strategy. 

Although on first glance this news appears to be a sustainable progression, whether or not it will make a significant difference remains to be proven.

Similar sustainability targets are in place for VMO2’s UK rivals. Vodafone, for example, is working cut carbon emissions from its UK operations to Net Zero by 2027, and also aims to be Net Zero across its full carbon footprint globally by 2040. Three UK has targets of reducing 50% of its direct emissions and 42% of its indirect emissions by 2030. BT, the parent company of EE, has pledged to become a Net Zero business (Scope 1 and 2) by the end of March 2031, which will extent to supply chain and customer emissions (Scope 3) by the end of March 2041.

Join the conversation on mobile operator sustainability in the UK at this year’s Connected Britain, book your tickets now! 

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