
Having spent billions on 5G physical and virtual network infrastructure, communication and digital service providers are more than eager to see returns on their investments. How can they realize new revenue streams offered by 5G technology, and when will their hopes of monetization come to fruition?

These and other burning questions are answered in the new campaign from Comarch. 

Dreams vs reality: The state of 5G services

According to the latest research, as many as 95% of operators expect NaaS to have a major impact on driving operator revenues. Yet, a lot has to be done in order to make these dreams of network slicing and other 5G-powered services a reality. 

AI/ML-driven technologies can speed up the process by automating crucial processes of maintenance and network management, therefore enabling communication and digital service providers to deploy these money-making services. 

Maintenance as the key to 5G networks

Automating maintenance is crucial when it comes to deploying and managing new services. In order to ensure the highest quality of service and avoid mistakes or breakdowns which could influence consumers, operators need to provide the right level of predictive, preventive, and corrective maintenance.

While digital and communication service providers worry that introducing this kind of maintenance will be expensive and complicated, it doesn’t have to be. Re-using technologies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning can help them achieve the goal without having to implement new time-consuming and costly solutions.

5G: A true enabler of new B2B and B2C services 

Remote surgeries, smarter homes and cities, driverless cars, and smart factories are just some of the many possibilities opened up by 5G technology. Most will take some time to arrive, yet in order to monetize them when they do, communication and digital service providers must act and prepare right now. 

While the “wait and see” tactic might be safer, getting ahead of the competition seems to be the best approach, especially as the smart digital world tends to grow fast and unexpectedly. 

Discover the ways companies can prepare for emerging services in the four-episode “Telecoms Journey Towards 5G Monetization” campaign from Comarch, and learn how to get ready for what’s coming next in the 5G environment.


