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Results for "GDPR"

92% of CIOs find integrating new communications channels with legacy systems a key challenge to improving CX

Press Release The majority (92%) of CIOs find integrating new communications with legacy systems a challenge, according to new research from global cloud communications software provider, IMImobile. This comes at a time when almost all (98%) CIOs feel under pressure...

LiveRamp acquires consent management platform Faktor

Press Release LiveRamp, the identity platform powering exceptional experiences, today announced the acquisition of Faktor to enable streamlined consent management across the open web. This deal represents a big win for the entire ecosystem and reinforces LiveRamp's...

2018 Year-End Review and Industry Predictions for 2019

Viewpoint History scholars will no doubt look back on 2018 as a turbulent year in international politics. For those of us that obsessively follow the telecoms, media and technology (TMT) industries, it has been a long time since geopolitics had such an impact on our...

Proximus chooses Collibra to unlock business value in data

Press Release Collibra – the leader in enterprise data governance and catalog software – today announced its partnership with Proximus Group, the largest telecommunications company in Belgium, enabling Proximus to generate strategic value from its data...

Becoming a Trusted Identity Provider: A blueprint for telecoms providers.

Whitepaper Identity management sits at the heart of successful digital transformation. For businesses and service providers, it is the key to unlocking the triple goals of: Cost reduction derived from; comprehensive process redesign, customer journey reinvention, and...

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